Monday, November 2, 2015

English Text Come In Examination

Some of our exams have optional set text questions as part of the Writing paper. These exams are: Cambridge English: First for Schools .Cambridge English: CAE Reading 1. Difficulty level: C1 / advanced. In this part, there are three themed texts followed by two 4-option multiple-choice questions .Cambridge Advanced Reading Use of English -description and links to free tests. Exam English any questions; Remember that questions come in the same order as the answers in the text in the multiple-choice part of the paper..Read a text about social networks and answer multiple choice questions. This page will let you practise for the Cambridge English First FCE exam. This is .

Margaret Benson

Margaret Benson

Some of our exams have optional set text questions as part of the Writing paper. These exams are: Cambridge English: First for Schools .Cambridge English: CAE Reading 1. Difficulty level: C1 / advanced. In this part, there are three themed texts followed by two 4-option multiple-choice questions .Cambridge Advanced Reading Use of English -description and links to free Remember that questions come in the same order as the answers in the text in .Select from the exercises below, or browse by exam type. This text is similar to the Cambridge ESOL Preliminary English Test PET Reading part 3, where .

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